Apologies. I’ve definitely been a bit A.W.O.L. In recent months, both from my blog and Full Moon newsletters. At the end of last year I outgrew my marketing package from Weebly, my website host and decided that while I upgraded I would take the opportunity to give my website a much needed update too. Living with a chronic illness means that unplanned times of rest are often a thing and none essential activities can get delayed in a big way, which is what happened with me. However, here I am again with my website updated, a new blog/newsletter design underway and some great plans for my online spaces over the next few months. Here is a little overview of what you can find on my website now: - About Me and My WorkAn overview of my different Permaculture Educator projects: - Permaculture Illustrations, Blog, Permaculture Diploma Tutoring, Accessing Permaculture, Permaculture Resources and Social Media Permaculture IllustrationsDetails about my Free To Use illustrations, examples of some of the recent commissions I have undertaken and a link to my Etsy shop where some of my older Illustrations are available as cards and prints. Over the next few weeks I will be opening a new shop for cards and prints of my illustrations on my website. Sign up to my full moon news letter and connect with my social media spaces for updates on this My BlogEveryday examples of how permaculture can provide healing and regeneration for ourselves, our communities and our planet. Permaculture Diploma TutoringInformation about my work as a tutor for the Permaculture Association (UK) Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design Accessing PermacultureSome resources designed to help and support improving access to Permaculture, (and other activism type work/events), for people with chronic illness and/or disability. ResourcesSome of my favourite permaculture related resources : - websites, blogs, podcasts, books and videos Keep Up To DateTo keep up to date with my various Permaculture Educator projects then sign up to my Full Moon newsletter and connect with my social media spaces
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Welcome to the first post in my new Blog, launched at the Pagan New Year, Samhain 2018. Here I will be writing regular short posts about how permaculture design can be applied to our everyday lives with the aim of healing and regenerating ourselves, communities and the planet. I'll be mainly focusing on my particular permaculture design interests in the image above, alongside reviews of permaculture resources, (books, websites, blogs, podcasts, social media, courses, events, permaculture demonstration sites...and more). I'll be sharing my blog posts on my own social media spaces, as well as in relevant permaculture Facebook Groups. To find me on social media or to contact me by email just click on the icons below. You can also email me via my Contact Me page
Welcome to my blog. Here I aim to share everyday examples of how permaculture can provide healing and regeneration for ourselves, our communities and our planet.
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January 2025